Yeah, no i don't wanna do A rated content for a while. Its not so much the ratings because a majority of 3 stars for all the ones i've done so far are good to me because of how rare it is how many times i draw them.(about little to none so) I just don't feel like drawing these pictures when i don't even feel like they're good to me. not in a fapping way because theres a pradox where artists can't jack it to their own art. In a way that to me the anotomy is god-awful because i don't have that much to go on anotomy wise and i can't see it being ppealing to any other person. So if you all don't mind and I doubt you all do im gonna go back to E-T rated content like i did with my previous profile. sorry that you had to see this midnight post-porn picture unsatifacory whining rant but i wanted to get that out.
Being critical of your own work is pretty common.
It not the best art, but it is not terrible either. It just needs a bit of context I think because I have seen worse art that is liked.
And by context I mean people can identify that those characters are from your comic, flash animation, visual novel, light novel, etc, whatever, anything. You have some interesting looking characters but it is hard to connect them. Who knows who? You mention the characters names a lot, but for a person unfamiliar with what is going on, it is hard to know who you are really talking about and how they are connected.
scenes this this is pretty interesting but who are they and what mercenary work do they do?
as for the adult scenes, people can appreciate it more if they know more about the character. You can often see that people like not so greatly drawn hentai of their favorite anime characters. It because they know all about the character. They understand the scene that is happening, or understand the relationship to the character they are having sex with, or know their personality to know why they are blushing, etc. These type things make up for otherwise lacking art. I think if you took those exact same pictures made a little flash platforming game or something people would like it more.
I like the the use of the purple shadows, you seem to have a good understanding of using a nice color for shadows. It is something I have trouble with. I normally will just use a darker version the the same color for shadows so it comes out a bit dull looking.
but try different ways of showing your characters. you might have them saying stuff in the pictures
that can describe their personality a little bit or their connection to the other character in the image.
and if you want I can help you whip together a flash game. I mostly hentai stuff though.. heh. Just shoot me a PM.
DetrailedFires (Updated )
I've been meaning to make a comic for the characters in the first link but then again they're not the main characters. They play an important role in the story though. I have an old drawing of the main characters on my other profile made a final FINAL version thats in a compact notebook. I've been thinking for a name for the longest but i cant think of one. As for the second link that girl was also from my last profile but she has no real story. As for the game part i'd love to, I just need to make a basic story for some characters i'm drawing.